BLOG Swastika Nohara

Life is the coffee, while jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and do not change the quality of life.

Liebster Challenge, Don’t Slap Me After Reading This.

23 Komentar

I got this challenge from Linda, and she wrote that in Germany liebster means dearest, sweetest, kindest, beloved, etc .

Yeah way, this is Germany viral disease, kind of. Here I am, accepting Liebster Challenge from Linda, and this is what you need to do upon accepting this challenge:

  • Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog, that nominated you.
  • Copy and paste the Liebster logo onto your blog.
  • Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions put to you by the person who nominated you.
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate and link to 3—11 other blogs you enjoy that have less than 3000 followers.
  • List 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog.
  • Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.

Screen shot 2015-02-11 at 12.14.17 PM

And these are my answers for Linda’s questions:

Task number 5 is listing 11 random facts about me: sanely crazy, appreciate good food but often eat for the sole purpose of having a task done (i.e. staying healthy), free thinker, blissfully ignorant, quite a loner, find solace in good books and great movies, love to write stories, enjoy solo traveling and wish to do more, still keep a hand written diary, occasional cook and a proud mom. (are those 11 already?)

  1. Tea or coffee? Coffee please, with milk and make it thick, frothy, and smooth to keep me awake all night long. That also describes how I like my man.
  2. Achievement or process? Process with optimum achievement. How would anyone achieve anything if they don’t go through a certain process? Even Charles, Prince of Wales, did not automatically become the king even though he is the eldest son of the Queen Elizabeth II.
  3. What is your favorite spiritual achievement activities? Getting this question and thinking about the answer is a spiritual achievement. Let my spirituality remains sacred and known only to myself, otherwise it will not be spiritual anymore.
  4. What are you doing in 2031? Writing for Hollywood block buster movies, and/or for award winning and internationally acclaimed movies. And probably seeing my daughter marrying the man she loves and loves her.
  5. Dark comedy or sad ending? Dark comedy with sad ending. That actually reminds me of Woody Allen’s Cassandra’s Dream, one of my all time favorite movies, a brilliant movie that not only unforgettable but also impressive on so many levels.
  6. Sound of music or sound of nature? Fart is sound of nature, right? So I’d rather listen to the sound of music, but without Julie Andrews and the von Trapp children. Seriously. The sound of nature is nice and soothing but it is not something you’d want to hear over and over again without getting sleepy. And I fall asleep quite easily. So I’d rather listen to Halloween’s accoustic or Karl Jenkins instead.
  7. 200 pages of Foucault or 1000 pages of J. K Rowling? Oh wow… Never finished reading any Foucault. But the thought of having to go through 1000 pages of J.K Rowling brings me back to those gloomy days when I was dating the most possessive, demanding and mentally abusive person. Harry Potter series were my escapade from reality. So, can I have Nick Hornby or V.S Naipaul instead?
  8. Do it on time or do it right? Do it right in time, especially if I were in the position who give the job. If otherwise, I’d still do it right in time. There is no compromise. Do it right in time or don’t take the job at the first place.
  9. Kline’s abstract black on white painting or J.E Millais colorful realist painting of sad and bored-looking women in a garden? The first painting would do well to cover up molds on the wall in my attic, and the second painting would go nicely under the bamboo trees on the my backyard. But since I don’t have attic, so I’ll take the second painting to entertain the birds on my bamboo trees.
  10. What did you see on this video? >> I saw Andy Warhol eating a hamburger and that was the worst spent 4 minutes of my precious time. Even if it were Brad Pitt, or Benedict Cumberbatch, why would any sane person want to watch a video of a man eating hamburger? Well maybe if that man eats it with his nose.
  11. Flats or house with yard and deal with weeds? If the flats have swimming pool, gym, and coffee shop, yes, I’d opt for the flat. But if the house’s yard is big enough to build my personal swimming pool and gym, then of course I’d choose the house. Oh, yes, I can grow weeds at the corner of my yard. Not that I smoke it, but it makes great seasoning for any meals.


Next, I nominate: Natalixia, Rahne, Dani, LiaMarta, and Chika to do this Liebster Challenge and answer these 11 questions from me and please tag me in your post so I can read it. Anyone reading this blog post are welcome to write your answer(s) in the comment box for your favorite question(s) from this list:

  1. If you’re stuck at home because of the monsoon rain and flood, which series do you prefer to binge-watch? Glee, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter or Desperate Housewives?
  2. Who is the one living person you have never met and are dying to meet?
  3. What would you do 20 years from now?
  4. What famous song that you feel vulnerable about?
  5. If you knew today could be your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
  6. What movie that changed your opinion or perspective about something that matters in your life?
  7. What do you see in the after life?
  8. What would you like to have for your last meal?
  9. Do you prefer to live in a house by a sandy beach or on top of a beautiful hill?
  10. If you were given 1000 USD and have to spend it in one afternoon/evening, what would you do?
  11. If you hear bad things about your loved one that is almost unbearable, what would you do?


So here they are, and let them roll!

Penulis: Swastika Nohara

I'm a freelance content and script writer for movies, television, commercials and internet-related content. With a team, I also do documentaries, video tutorial, video presentation and corporate video. I'm based in Jakarta but eager to travel anywhere on earth. For me, life is like a cup of coffee. Life is the coffee while jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and do not change the quality of life. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee provided…. So, don’t let the cups drive you, enjoy the coffee instead!

23 thoughts on “Liebster Challenge, Don’t Slap Me After Reading This.

  1. Got nothing to do and I don’t write blog anymore but would love to answer this.

    1. If you’re stuck at home because of the monsoon rain and flood, which series do you prefer to binge-watch? Glee, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter or Desperate Housewives? Can I just have my fave tv series of all time, The West Wing but if it’s must be between all this probably Desperate Housewives.

    2. Who is the one living person you have never met and are dying to meet? Kate Beckinsale

    3. What would you do 20 years from now? Six feet underground

    4. What famous song that you feel vulnerable about? I bet my Life

    5. If you knew today could be your last day on earth, how would you spend it? Praying ask for forgiveness

    6. What movie that changed your opinion or perspective about something that matters in your life? In the mood for love

    7. What do you see in the after life? I told you when I get back from there

    8. What would you like to have for your last meal? water please

    9. Do you prefer to live in a house by a sandy beach or on top of a beautiful hill? On top of a beautiful hill

    10. If you were given 1000 USD and have to spend it in one afternoon/evening, what would you do? If you ask me today, since I want nothing so I’ll give it to charity

    11. If you hear bad things about your loved one that is almost unbearable, what would you do? Ask her directly, delaying never change anything.

  2. Ping-balik: Liebster Challenge (Don’t Slap Me After Reading This) |

  3. tahun lalu aku pernah menominasikan dirimu dgn Liebster Award ini mbak, tapi mungkin waktu itu mbak nggak sempat bikin yah 😀 eniwei, sukses terus buat proyek2 mu mbak Tika!

  4. Ping-balik: Liebster Challenge (You Will Definitely Slap Me After Reading This) | danikurniawan

  5. Gonna write the post today. 😀

  6. Aku pernah dapat libster award ini juga setahun lalu. Nggak sanggup jawabnya hahaha.
    Heibat iiih

  7. Thank you for the challenge mbak Tika! Semoga bisa segera aku balas minggu ini 😀 😀 *pas sibuk-sibuknya di kantor huhuhu

  8. $1000 dihabiskan semalaman mau ngapain yaaaa ??? Duch jd mikir nich, kayak nya ngak kerna kepikir
    tp kalo di suruh milih pantai atau gunung maka aku pilih pantai 😉

  9. xixixi seru :-)) btw tadi malam aku baru aja re watched Sounds of Music yang entah sudah keberapa kali 🙂

    5 Destinasi Romantis di Eropa Timur

  10. Hahaha…I am soooo happy for getting fast respond, especially the person is you!! Thank you for your great great great answers.

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